Social Emotional Empowerment: The Heart of a GEMS Education

Middle school is a time of tremendous social and emotional changes and challenges. At Girls Empowerment Middle School (GEMS), a tuition-free public school in Las Vegas, we believe that empowering our students to tackle these challenges is a vital part of educating the whole child. Social-emotional learning is not an add-on at GEMS — it is an integral part of our educational philosophy.

A sign at GEMS that reads “Empowered girls empower girls.”

A One-of-a-Kind SEL Class

While there is a vast array of SEL curricula available, we knew we needed something more tailored to the needs of our students. So we created our own. We even gave it a better name — Social Emotional Empowerment. We recognize that this work is about more than just learning; it is about empowering each and every girl in our school.  

All GEMS students attend Social Emotional Empowerment class daily, working through these main units:

🔹 “Hey Girl” Journal Writing for Empowerment and Self Love

🔹 Character Traits

🔹 Gratitude

🔹 Friendship / Kindness / Empathy / Gossip and Rumors

🔹 Belonging and Appreciating Diversity

🔹 Understanding and Appreciating Different Perspectives and Cultural Values

🔹 Thank You Note Etiquette / Social Media Etiquette

🔹 Bullying

🔹 Self-Control (Decision Making, Positive Choices, and Anger Management)

🔹 Self Advocacy / Positive Affirmations

🔹 Fixed vs. Growth Mindset

🔹 Emotional Wellness

🔹 Coping Strategies / Coping Tools

🔹 Mindfulness

🔹 Nutrition / Healthy Body Image

🔹 Goal Setting (Planning and Perseverance)

🔹 Career Inventory / Interests

As you can see, the curriculum is comprehensive and specific to the life stage of our students.

We also go beyond the classroom, taking field trips, attending workshops, and inviting motivational speakers to connect our girls to the broader community. 

Linda Turney, who developed our curriculum and supports our girls daily, tells us, “My hope every morning on my drive to school is that I can be a positive factor that influences self-love, worthiness, motivation, confidence, and a belief in themselves that is life-changing.  I love watching them shine!”

In The Students’ Own Words

We know that this class is foundational for our girls. But don’t take our word for it. Here’s a small sample of what they say about the class.

💬 This class has helped me evolve as a person and for that I am grateful.

💬 Empowerment class has taught me … to stand up for what I believe in, not to be scared to have a voice, and how to be patient with myself and others.

💬 Empowerment has taught me that I am a worthy, responsible, courageous, and intelligent young lady.

💬 I  love being in Empowerment, I feel beautiful and comfortable in this class. Never be afraid of who you are.

GEMS is a school that recognizes the importance of social-emotional well-being in our students. Our Social Emotional Empowerment class is an excellent example of how we think outside the box, empowering students to become well-rounded individuals who can face life's challenges with resilience and positivity. We’re now enrolling for Fall and we’d love to have you join us!

About Girls Empowerment Middle School

Girls Empowerment Middle School (GEMS) is the first girls-focused, tuition-free, public charter school in Las Vegas. Located in the heart of Las Vegas, near UNLV, GEMS provides a safe, unique learning experience for students in grades 6, 7, and 8. We foster intellectual, mental, and emotional well-being, empowering students  to become leaders who make a difference. In a world where girls are often taught what to think, GEMS teaches girls how to think critically.  GEMS students excel academically, develop their voices, and lead fearlessly in a safe, caring educational environment. Join us — we’re now enrolling.


A Safe Place to Learn in Las Vegas


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