Top Ten Reasons to Choose GEMS

Choosing the right middle school can be a difficult task. Girls Empowerment Middle School (GEMS), a tuition-free public charter school in Las Vegas, is a dynamic learning community for girls in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Here are ten reasons why we think it’s a great choice.

1. Students Learn in Community

At the heart of a GEMS education is the community of teachers, staff, and students. We base everything on solid connections. The result is a safe and inclusive learning environment where young girls are comfortable being themselves. Without the fear of judgment, our students cultivate a strong sense of community and belonging.

2. Students are Safe at GEMS

When you send your child to school, you want to know that they are safe and cared for during the day. We want the same thing, and we make it a priority to provide a safe school for all our students. From small class sizes to our emphasis on relationships, students can’t fall through the cracks here. When you send your student to GEMS, you do not need to worry about their well-being.

3. Students Have a Voice

In a world that often silences its young women, GEMS offers a safe space for students to advocate for themselves, connect with each other, and speak face-to-face with the adults that make the decisions. We encourage our girls to can speak up when they have a need, and, as a result, they get really good at articulating what's meaningful to them.

4. Students Receive a STEM Focused Education

Science and math are not just for boys. Students that attend GEMS know that they can achieve in these fields like any other students. An all-girls STEM education supports collaboration and teamwork, which helps girls develop the problem-solving and communication skills that are essential in STEM careers.

5. Students Take a One-Of-A-Kind SEL Course

This is not your ordinary social-emotional learning curriculum. Our social-emotional empowerment course curriculum is designed to teach students social skills and the ability to self-reflect. We delve into topics like brain development and breathing techniques. Our teacher helps facilitate dispute and conflict resolution amongst the girls, giving our girls the communication skills they need throughout life. By promoting self-confidence and self-esteem, GEMS helps young girls develop a positive self-image and a belief in their ability to achieve their goals.

6. Students Have Leadership Opportunities

We believe that it is important that all girls have opportunities to lead, so we offer those opportunities right in our school. From student government to a partnership with the Women’s Research Institute of Nevada, GEMS provides opportunities for young girls to develop their skills and become effective leaders in their communities.

7. Students Are Connected to the Community

Community leaders come into our school to meet with students and share their life experiences. Between talks from women in leadership positions throughout the community to lunches with local police officers, GEMS students get to know adults throughout the community in meaningful ways.

8. Students Achieve at High Levels

GEMS is a top-notch middle school, outperforming many area schools with our outstanding academics. Students gain confidence through their academic achievements and leave GEMS prepared for high school, college, and beyond. At GEMS, we focus on the importance of education and provide young girls with the tools they need to succeed academically.

Several GEMS students work quietly at their desks on an assignment. One GEMS student is in focus which the other students are in the background.

9. Students Have Agency in Their Education

Instead of telling students what to think, we teach students how to think. We give them the tools to take charge of their own learning, with support from our amazing teachers and staff. By encouraging critical thinking and creative problem-solving, GEMS helps young girls develop the skills they need to be successful in their future careers and in life.

10. Students are Known, Seen, and Respected

Let’s face it, the middle school years can be tough. Girls are exploring their identities and looking for their communities. By knowing each of our students personally, our teachers provide students with a sense of belonging, social and emotional support, and the resources and skills they need to navigate the challenges of middle school.

Schedule a tour and get to know us. We’d love to share more about the GEMS story. We’re enrolling for fall — it’s the perfect time to come check us out!

About Girls Empowerment Middle School

Girls Empowerment Middle School (GEMS) is the first all-girls, tuition-free, public charter school in Las Vegas. Located in the heart of Las Vegas, near UNLV, GEMS provides a safe, unique learning experience for girls in grades 6, 7, and 8. We foster intellectual, mental, and emotional well-being, empowering girls to become leaders who make a difference. In a world where girls are often taught what to think, GEMS teaches girls how to think critically.  GEMS students excel academically, develop their voices, and lead fearlessly in a safe, caring educational environment. Join us — we’re now enrolling.


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